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I Summary For Anti-Corrosion Submerged Pump

Anti-Corrosion Submerged Pump
Anti-Corrosion Submerged Pump

Model FYS anti-corrosion submerged pump is made with fluoroplastics like FEP and PVDF, which give it unique process, excellent performance, and ideal use life. It can substitute any type of anticorrosion submerged pumps in the current market. Model FYS anti-corrosion submerged pump has beautiful appearance , light weight, smooth running, small vibration, low noise, and easy dismantling. Because the pump body is submerged in the liquid, it has many merits such as no leakage of shaft seal, no need for foot valve, and no need for filling of liquid for starting.ENINE yielding Model FYS anti-corrosion submerged pump is suitable for conveying of all the chemical media in industries of chemical, pharmaceutical, mintage, dyeing, metallurgical, environment protection, pesticide, etc.(with the exception of few media such as melted metals like lithium, sodium, potassium, chlorine trifluoride, etc.)

II Performance Parameter Chart For Anti-Corrosion Submerged Pump

Type Capacity
Motor power
r/min Motor power
25FYS-16 6 16 1.5 2900 500~2000 46~58
40FYS-12 11 12 1.5 2900 500~2000 99~116
50FYS-16 15 16 3 2900 500~2000 148~170
50FYS-42 15 42 7.5 2900 500~2000 160~189
65FYS-16 30 16 5.5 2900 500~2000 207~241
80FYS-28 50 28 7.5 2900 500~2000 293~334

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